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May 1 PM Eurocharged Open House

DATE: May 1, 2010 - NOON to 7:00 PM
LOCATION: Eurocharged Performance
10233 S. Clow Creek Dr
Plainfield, IL 60585
(630) 496-8660
EVENT: Open-House (tentative plan)
car show
project Lamborghini
dyno shootout
discount tuning
prizes and giveaways
Eurocharged crew & our cars (modded C32, modded E55)
EuroGirls (models)
MBWorld & MB Illinois members & MB/AMG entheusiasts
SRT & CICCI CrossFire entheusiasts/members
BMW M & e30 entheusiasts
Audi/VW, MINI, Porsche entheusiasts
friends, fans, various other performance car entheusiasts
cookout: burgers, dogs, pop, NOS energy drink (sponsor), etc
photoshoot with the EuroGirls


  1. I may attend the eurocharged meet with a few friends. Anybody else going?

  2. I will be there, there will be an incredible showing of cars. Bring your camera, I've heard that the Eurogirls are pretty easy on the eyes.

  3. I am planning to to. But I am not sure whether I should take my GLK there or my 1998 M3 sedan. MB is more "proper", but M3 is sporty.

  4. sounds like a plan i should be able to make it up there around 3 or so im going to try to get there earlier but not sure. What time do you guys plan to attend?

  5. Hi Alp, we will probably meet to get something to eat and arrive about 12:00

  6. thats sounds cool i don't think i can get there that early cause of work but if not will you gentlemen be up there after 3 or so ?

  7. Bnzuovr, I don't know about the gentlemen, but us car guys will be there well after 3:00

  8. sounds good i should be leaving work a little earlier like around 2 or so if its slow at work i might leave earlier.


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